Apache Spark

The roadmap for becoming a Data Engineer 

The roadmap for becoming a Data Engineer 

The roadmap for becoming a Data Engineer typically involves mastering various skills and technologies. Here's a step-by-step guide:Step 1: Learn the FundamentalsProgramming Languages: Start with proficiency in languages like Python, SQL, and possibly Scala or Java.Database Knowledge: Understand different database systems (SQL and NoSQL) and their use cases.Data Structures and Algorithms: Gain a solid understanding of fundamental data structures and algorithms.Mathematics and Statistics: Familiarize yourself with concepts like probability, statistics, and linear algebra.Step 2: Acquire Big Data TechnologiesApache Hadoop: Learn the Hadoop ecosystem tools like HDFS, MapReduce, Hive, and Pig for distributed data processing.Apache Spark: Master Spark for data processing,…
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Vehicle Sales Report – Data Analysis

Vehicle Sales Report – Data Analysis

Project idea – The idea behind this project is to analysis and generate Vehicle Sales Report generation and Dive into data on popular vehicles using the following dimensions such as Total Revenue, Total Products Sold, Quarterly Revenue, Total Items Sold (By Product Line), Quarterly Revenue (By Product Line), and Overall Sales (By Product Line) Problem Statement or Business Problem Visualizes Vehicle sales data and generate a report out of it, Dive into data on the vehicle using the following dimensions:Total RevenueTotal Products SoldQuarterly RevenueTotal Items Sold (By Product Line)Quarterly Revenue (By Product Line)Overall Sales (By Product Line)Proportion of Monthly Revenue…
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Video Game Sales Data Analysis

Video Game Sales Data Analysis

Project idea – The idea behind this project is to analysis Video Game Sales and Dive into data on popular video games using the following dimensions such as Year, Platform, Publisher and Genre Problem Statement or Business Problem Visualizes sales & platform data on video games that sold more than 100k copies.Dive into data on popular video games using the following dimensions:YearPlatformPublisherGenre Attribute Information or Dataset Details:​ rank: integer (nullable = true)name: string (nullable = true)platform: string (nullable = true)year: string (nullable = true)genre: string (nullable = true)publisher: string (nullable = true)na_sales: double (nullable = true)eu_sales: double (nullable = true)jp_sales:…
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SLACK Data Analysis

SLACK Data Analysis

Project idea – The idea behind this Analysis project is to analysis Slack usage. Problem Statement or Business Problem Slack is a messaging program designed specifically for the office, but has also been adopted for personal use. Slack including persistent chat rooms (channels) organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging. In addition to these online communication features, Slack integrates with other software.In this tutorial we will try to analyze usage of slack software. Technology Used Apache SparkSpark SQLScalaDataFrame-based APIDatabricks Notebook Introduction Welcome to this project on Slack Data Analysis in Apache Spark Analytics using Databricks platform community edition server…
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Life Expectancy Prediction using Machine Learning – Part 1

Life Expectancy Prediction using Machine Learning – Part 1

Project idea – The idea behind this ML project is to build a model for Life Expectancy and Statistical Analysis on factors influencing Life Expectancy Problem Statement or Business Problem Although there have been lot of studies undertaken in the past on factors affecting life expectancy considering demographic variables, income composition and mortality rates. It was found that affect of immunization and human development index was not taken into account in the past. Also, some of the past research was done considering linear regression based on data set of one year for all the countries. Hence, this gives motivation to…
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Life Expectancy Prediction using Machine Learning – Part 2

Life Expectancy Prediction using Machine Learning – Part 2

Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Adult_Mortality) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Infant_Deaths) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Alcohol) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Percentage_Expenditure) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Hepatitis_B) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Under_Five_Deaths) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Polio) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Total_Expenditure) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Diphtheria) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS HIV_AIDS) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS GDP) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Population) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Thinness_1_19_years) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Thinness_5_9_years) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Income_Composition_of_Resources) Scatter Plot (Life_Expectancy VS Schooling) Scatter Plot (Schooling VS Adult_Mortality) Scatter Plot (Schooling VS Income_Composition_of_Resources) Scatter Plot (Adult_Mortality VS Income_Composition_of_Resources) Collecting all String Columns into…
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Medical Appointment Data Analysis

Medical Appointment Data Analysis

Project idea – The idea behind this Analysis project is to analysis a person makes a doctor's appointment, receives all the instructions, and no-show. Who to blame? Problem Statement or Business Problem ProblemA person makes a doctor's appointment, receives all the instructions, and no-show. Who to blame?In this tutorial we will try to analyze why would some patient not show up for his medical appointment and whether there are reasons for that using the data we have. We will try to find some correlation between the different attributes we have and whether the patient shows up or not. The dataset…
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Predicting Possible Loan Default Using Machine Learning

Predicting Possible Loan Default Using Machine Learning

Project idea – The idea behind this ML project is to build a model for a Loan Prediction Based on Customer Behavior and determine the risk factor. Problem Statement or Business Problem About CompanyWonderful Dream Housing Finance company deals in all home loans. this ML project is to build a model for a Loan Prediction Based on Customer BehaviorProblemCompany wants to automate the loan risk factor based on customer detail behavior. A loan default occurs when a borrower takes money from a bank and does not repay the loan. Details are Income, Age, Experience, Married/Single, House_Ownership, Car Ownership, Profession, City,…
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Installing Apache Spark 3  in Local Mode – Command Line (Single Node Cluster) on Windows 10

Installing Apache Spark 3  in Local Mode – Command Line (Single Node Cluster) on Windows 10

In this tutorial, we will set up a single node Spark cluster and run it in local mode using the command line.Step 1) Let's start getting the spark binary you can download the spark binary from the below linkDownload Spark link: https://spark.apache.org/Windows Utils link: https://github.com/steveloughran/winutilsStep 2) Click on Download Step 3) A new Web page will get open i) Choose a Spark release as 3.0.3ii) Choose a package type as Pre-built for Apache Hadoop 2.7 Step 4) Click on Download Spark spark-3.0.3-bin-hadoop2.7.tgz Step 5) A new Web Page will get open Step 6) Click on the link to download Step 7)…
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Machine Learning Project – Loan Approval Prediction

Machine Learning Project – Loan Approval Prediction

Project idea – The idea behind this ML project is to build a model for a Home Loan Company to validates the customer eligibility for loan. Problem Statement or Business Problem About CompanyWonderful Dream Housing Finance company deals in all home loans. They have presence across all urban, semi urban and rural areas. Customer first apply for home loan after that company validates the customer eligibility for loan.ProblemCompany wants to automate the loan eligibility process (real time) based on customer detail provided while filling online application form. These details are Gender, Marital Status, Education, Number of Dependents, Income, Loan Amount,…
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