Project idea – The idea behind this project is to analysis and generate Vehicle Sales Report generation and Dive into data on popular vehicles using the following dimensions such as Total Revenue, Total Products Sold, Quarterly Revenue, Total Items Sold (By Product Line), Quarterly Revenue (By Product Line), and Overall Sales (By Product Line) Problem Statement or Business Problem Visualizes Vehicle sales data and generate a report out of it, Dive into data on the vehicle using the following dimensions:Total RevenueTotal Products SoldQuarterly RevenueTotal Items Sold (By Product Line)Quarterly Revenue (By Product Line)Overall Sales (By Product Line)Proportion of Monthly Revenue…

Project idea – The idea behind this project is to analysis Video Game Sales and Dive into data on popular video games using the following dimensions such as Year, Platform, Publisher and Genre Problem Statement or Business Problem Visualizes sales & platform data on video games that sold more than 100k copies.Dive into data on popular video games using the following dimensions:YearPlatformPublisherGenre Attribute Information or Dataset Details: rank: integer (nullable = true)name: string (nullable = true)platform: string (nullable = true)year: string (nullable = true)genre: string (nullable = true)publisher: string (nullable = true)na_sales: double (nullable = true)eu_sales: double (nullable = true)jp_sales:…

Project idea – The idea behind this Analysis project is to analysis Slack usage. Problem Statement or Business Problem Slack is a messaging program designed specifically for the office, but has also been adopted for personal use. Slack including persistent chat rooms (channels) organized by topic, private groups, and direct messaging. In addition to these online communication features, Slack integrates with other software.In this tutorial we will try to analyze usage of slack software. Technology Used Apache SparkSpark SQLScalaDataFrame-based APIDatabricks Notebook Introduction Welcome to this project on Slack Data Analysis in Apache Spark Analytics using Databricks platform community edition server…

Project idea – The idea behind this Analysis project is to analysis a person makes a doctor's appointment, receives all the instructions, and no-show. Who to blame? Problem Statement or Business Problem ProblemA person makes a doctor's appointment, receives all the instructions, and no-show. Who to blame?In this tutorial we will try to analyze why would some patient not show up for his medical appointment and whether there are reasons for that using the data we have. We will try to find some correlation between the different attributes we have and whether the patient shows up or not. The dataset…

Health care analytics is the health care analysis activities that can be undertaken as a result of data collected from four areas within healthcare; claims and cost data, pharmaceutical and research and development (R&D) data, clinical data (collected from electronic medical records (EHRs)), and patient behavior and sentiment data. Data Description PatientProfile.csv – This file contains Patient profile details like PatientID, OnlineFollower, Social media details, Income, Education, Age, FirstInteractionDate, CityType and Employer_CategoryMore Info On patient_profiles file.Patient_ID Unique Identifier for each patient. This ID is not sequential in nature and can not be used in modelOnline_Follower Whether a patient follows MedCamp online or…

Patient's Age Patient's Income Patient's Occupation All in One Scatter Plot Loading Data into DataFrame %scala // File location and type val file_location = "/FileStore/tables/First_Health_Camp_Attended.csv" val file_type = "csv" // CSV options val infer_schema = "true" val first_row_is_header = "true" val delimiter = "," // The applied options are for CSV files. For other file types, these will be ignored. val First_Health_Camp_Attended = .option("inferSchema", infer_schema) .option("header", first_row_is_header) .option("sep", delimiter) .load(file_location) display(First_Health_Camp_Attended) Count of Data (Total Records) %scala First_Health_Camp_Attended.count() res12: Long = 6218 Displaying Statistics of Data %scala display(First_Health_Camp_Attended.describe()) Print Schema of Data %scala First_Health_Camp_Attended.printSchema() root |-- Patient_ID: integer (nullable…

Marketing analytics consists of both qualitative and quantitative, structured and unstructured data used to drive strategic decisions in relation to brand and revenue outcomes. Overall goalYou're a marketing analyst and you've been told by the Chief Marketing Officer that recent marketing campaigns have not been as effective as they were expected to be. You need to analyze the data set to understand this problem and propose data-driven solutions.Section 01: Exploratory Data Analysis Are there any null values or outliers? How will you wrangle/handle them?Are there any variables that warrant transformations?Are there any useful variables that you can engineer with the given data?Do…

Are there any useful variables that you can engineer with the given data?Review a list of the feature names below, from which we can engineer:The total number of dependents in the home ('Dependents') can be engineered from the sum of 'Kidhome' and 'Teenhome'The year of becoming a customer ('Year_Customer') can be engineered from 'Dt_Customer'The total amount spent ('TotalMnt') can be engineered from the sum of all features containing the keyword 'Mnt'The total purchases ('TotalPurchases') can be engineered from the sum of all features containing the keyword 'Purchases' The total number of campaigns accepted ('TotalCampaignsAcc') can be engineered from the sum of…

NumStorePurchases VS MntGoldProds MntFishProducts Distribution Campaign 1 Campaign 2 Campaign 3 Campaign 4 Campaign 5 Section 03: Data Visualization Products VS Amount Spent Purchases Conclusion Recall the overall goal: You're a marketing analyst and you've been told by the Chief Marketing Officer that recent marketing campaigns have not been as effective as they were expected to be. You need to analyze the data set to understand this problem and propose data-driven solutions...Summary of actionable findings to improve advertising campaign success:Advertising campaign acceptance is positively correlated with income and negatively correlated with having kids/teensSuggested action: Create two streams of targeted advertising campaigns,…

In this article, We have explored the Sentiments of People in India during Demonetization. Even by using small data, I could still gain a lot of valuable insights. I have used Spark SQL and Inbuild graphs provided by Databricks.India is the second-most populous country in the world, with over 1.271 billion people, more than a sixth of the world’s population. Let us find out the views of different people on the demonetization by analyzing the tweets from Twitter. Attribute Information or Dataset Details: Table Created in Databricks Environment Technology Used Apache Spark Spark SQL DataFrame-based API Databricks Notebook Free Account…