We have downloaded hadoop installation files
We need to move (that is cut and paste)
From: Downloads Location
To: C:\hadoop-3.3.0.tar
In C Drive Extract the hadoop-3.3.0.tar files in C Drive using extraction software (WinZip, WinRar or 7Zip)
Now we will have the following in C Drive
Now Open Folder
We need to edit 5 files
- File C:/Hadoop-3.3.0/etc/hadoop/core-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph and
save this file.
- C:/Hadoop-3.3.0/etc/hadoop/mapred-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph and save
this file.
- Create folder “data” under “C:\Hadoop-3.3.0”
1) Create folder “datanode” under “C:\Hadoop-3.3.0\data”
2) Create folder “namenode” under “C:\Hadoop-3.3.0\data”
Edit file C:\Hadoop-3.3.0/etc/hadoop/hdfs-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph
and save this file.
- Edit file C:/Hadoop-3.3.0/etc/hadoop/yarn-site.xml, paste below xml paragraph
and save this file.
- Edit C:\hadoop-3.3.0\etc\hadoop\hadoop-env.cmd
set JAVA_HOME=C:\Java\jdk1.8.0_261
Now we need to edit Environment Variables
Click on Environment Variables
Create a New User Variable and add below details and click on OK button
Double click on Path system variable
Click on New and add below path and click on OK
Click on New and add below path and click on OK
Finally you have following 2 Entries
Click on Ok
Download the file (3.3.0 Configuration Files Apache Hadoop.zip) using the below link
Unzip the file
We have bin folder in 3.3.0 Configuration Files Apache Hadoop folder
Copy all this bin folder to C:\hadoop-3.3.0\
In short replace 3.3.0 Configuration Files Apache Hadoop\bin to C:\hadoop-3.3.0\bin
Open Command Prompt as Admin
Type hdfs namenode -format