Sentiment Analysis on Demonetization in India using Apache Spark

In this article, We have explored the Sentiments of People in India during Demonetization. Even by using small data, I could still gain a lot of valuable insights. I have used Spark SQL and Inbuild graphs provided by Databricks.
India is the second-most populous country in the world, with over 1.271 billion people, more than a sixth of the world’s population. Let us find out the views of different people on the demonetization by analyzing the tweets from Twitter.

Attribute Information or Dataset Details:

Table Created in Databricks Environment

Technology Used

  • Apache Spark
  • Spark SQL
  • DataFrame-based API
  • Databricks Notebook

Free Account creation in Databricks


Creating a Spark Cluster



Basics about Databricks notebook


Code for Spark SQL to get Indias Tweet reaction during Demonetization


select sum(retweetCount) as RetweetCount,created from demonetization group by created

Plot Option for Chart

Code for Spark SQL to get Types of Devices used for Tweet


select sum(retweetCount), substring_index(substring_index(statusSource, ">", -2),"<",1) as status_source
from demonetization group by substring_index(substring_index(statusSource, ">", -2),"<",1) 

Plot Option for Pie Chart

Code for Spark SQL to get Number of Retweet During Demonetization


select sum(favoriteCount),created
from demonetization group by created

Code for Spark SQL to get Reaction of People on Demonetization


select CASE 
 WHEN text like '%Respect%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%symptom%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%terrorists%' THEN "POSITIVE"\
 WHEN text like '%National%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%reform%' THEN"POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%support%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%#CorruptionFreeIndia%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%respect%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%Gandhi%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%vote%' THEN "POSITIVE"
 WHEN text like '%fishy%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
 WHEN text like '%disclosure%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%Reddy Wedding%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%protesting%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%hards%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%Kerala%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%hurt%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%Disaster!%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%Black%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%negative%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%impact%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
WHEN text like '%opposing%' THEN "NEGATIVE"
     END AS Reaction
from demonetization 

By Bhavesh