In this article, We have explored the Sentiments of People in India during Demonetization. Even by using small data, I could still gain a lot of valuable insights. I have used Spark SQL and Inbuild graphs provided by Databricks.
India is the second-most populous country in the world, with over 1.271 billion people, more than a sixth of the world’s population. Let us find out the views of different people on the demonetization by analyzing the tweets from Twitter.

Attribute Information or Dataset Details:
col_name | data_type | comment |
retweeted | string | null |
isRetweet | string | null |
retweetCount | string | null |
screenName | string | null |
statusSource | string | null |
replyToUID | string | null |
id | string | null |
replyToSID | string | null |
truncated | string | null |
created | string | null |
replyToSN | string | null |
favoriteCount | string | null |
favorited | string | null |
text | string | null |
X | bigint | null |
_c0 | bigint | null |
Showing 1 to 16 of 16 entries
Table Created in Databricks Environment

Technology Used
- Apache Spark
- Spark SQL
- DataFrame-based API
- Databricks Notebook
Free Account creation in Databricks
Creating a Spark Cluster
Basics about Databricks notebook
Code for Spark SQL to get Indias Tweet reaction during Demonetization
%sql select sum(retweetCount) as RetweetCount,created from demonetization group by created

Plot Option for Chart

Code for Spark SQL to get Types of Devices used for Tweet
%sql select sum(retweetCount), substring_index(substring_index(statusSource, ">", -2),"<",1) as status_source from demonetization group by substring_index(substring_index(statusSource, ">", -2),"<",1)

Plot Option for Pie Chart

Code for Spark SQL to get Number of Retweet During Demonetization
%sql select sum(favoriteCount),created from demonetization group by created

Code for Spark SQL to get Reaction of People on Demonetization
%sql select CASE WHEN text like '%Respect%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%symptom%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%terrorists%' THEN "POSITIVE"\ WHEN text like '%National%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%reform%' THEN"POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%support%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%#CorruptionFreeIndia%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%respect%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%Gandhi%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%vote%' THEN "POSITIVE" WHEN text like '%fishy%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%disclosure%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%Reddy Wedding%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%protesting%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%hards%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%Kerala%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%hurt%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%USELESS%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%Disaster!%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%Black%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%negative%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%impact%' THEN "NEGATIVE" WHEN text like '%opposing%' THEN "NEGATIVE" ELSE "NEUTRAL" END AS Reaction from demonetization