Steps for Installing JAVA 8 on Ubuntu Step 1 – Install Java 8 on UbuntuThe OpenJDK 8 is available under default Apt repositories. You can simply install Java 8 on an Ubuntu system using the following commands. sudo apt update sudo apt install openjdk-8-jdk -y Step 2 – Verify Java InstallationYou have successfully installed Java 8 on your system. Let’s verify the installed and current active version using the following command. java -version openjdk version "1.8.0_252" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-8u252-b09-1ubuntu1-b09) OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode) Step 3 – Setup JAVA_HOME and JRE_HOME VariableAs you have installed…

In this article, we will Analyze social bookmarking sites to find insights using Big Data Technology, Data comprises of the information gathered from sites that are bookmarking sites and allow you to bookmark, review, rate, on a specific topic. A bookmarking site allows you to bookmark, review, rate, search various links on any topic. The data is in XML format and contains various categories defining it and the ratings linked with it. Problem Statement: Analyse the data in Hadoop Eco-system to: Fetch the data into Hadoop Distributed File System and analyze it with the help of MapReduce, Pig, and Hive…

In this article, We will see how to process Sensex Log (Share Market) which is in PDF format using Big Data Technology, We will see step by step process execution of the project. Problem Statement: Analyse the data in Hadoop Eco-system to: Take the complete PDF Input data on HDFSDevelop a Map-Reduce Use Case to get the below-filtered results from the HDFS Input data(Excel data) If TYPE OF TRADING is -->'SIP' - OPEN_BALANCE > 25000 & FLTUATION_RATE > 10 --> store "HighDemandMarket" -CLOSING_BALANCE<22000 & FLTUATION_RATE IN BETWEEN 20 - 30 --> store "OnGoingMarketStretegy" If TYPE OF…

Apache Pig Script SENSEX.pig A = LOAD '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/OUTPUT/HighDemandMarket-r-00000' using PigStorage('\t') as (Sid:int,Sname:chararray,Ttrading:chararray,Sloc:chararray,OBal:int,CBal:int,Frate:int); disHM = DISTINCT A; orHM = ORDER disHM by Sid; STORE orHM into '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/HM' using PigStorage(','); A = LOAD '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/OUTPUT/ReliableProducts-r-00000' using PigStorage('\t') as (Sid:int,Sname:chararray,Ttrading:chararray,Sloc:chararray,OBal:int,CBal:int,Frate:int); disRP = DISTINCT A; orRP = ORDER disRP by Sid; STORE orRP into '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/RP' using PigStorage(','); A = LOAD '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/OUTPUT/OtherProducts-r-00000' using PigStorage('\t') as (Sid:int,Sname:chararray,Ttrading:chararray,Sloc:chararray,OBal:int,CBal:int,Frate:int); disOP = DISTINCT A; orOP = ORDER disOP by Sid; STORE orOP into '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/OP' using PigStorage(','); A = LOAD '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/OUTPUT/WealthyProducts-r-00000' using PigStorage('\t') as (Sid:int,Sname:chararray,Ttrading:chararray,Sloc:chararray,OBal:int,CBal:int,Frate:int); disWP= DISTINCT A; orWP = ORDER disWP by Sid; STORE orWP into '/hdfs/bhavesh/SENSEX/WP' using PigStorage(','); A…

In this article, We have explored the Bidding Auction Data Analysis The dataset to be used is from eBay like online auctions. Even by using small data, I could still gain a lot of valuable insights. I have used Spark RDD in Databricks.In this activity, we will load data into Apache Spark and inspect the data using the Spark In this section, we use the SparkContext method, textFile, to load the data into a Resilient Distributed Dataset (RDD). Our dataset is a .csv file that consists of online auction data. Each auction has an auction id associated with it and…